Pretrial Rights International
Innocent until proven guilty. Human rights for the accused.
Mission Statement
Pretrial Rights International protects the human rights of detainees awaiting trial worldwide through legal action, advocacy, publicity, and education.
About PRI
Pretrial Rights International supports pretrial detainees and their families in promoting human rights and basic civil liberties afforded to persons arrested and accused of crimes. We work with non-government organizations (NGOs), governments, and other stakeholders around the world and advocate for the preservation of inalienable human rights. We provide a forum for exposing pretrial detainee human rights abuses, advocate for state compliance with international human rights obligations for pretrial detainees, and educate the international community on human rights and basic civil liberties afforded to the persons in pretrial detention around the world. We focus on human rights. We focus particular attention on supporting and advocating for Americans unjustly detained abroad, serving as a legal resource for them and their families. Pretrial Rights International is a non-profit, nonpartisan U.S.-based organization that is committed to the presumption of the innocence of detainees until proven guilty.
For Pretrial Detainees/Families of Detainees
- Pretrial Rights International provides information regarding the pretrial detention laws of the country where someone is being detained.
- We can provide detainees with tools to assist them in working with the U.S. Government and others to draw attention to their case and obtain appropriate relief.
- Where appropriate, we can assist detainees in seeking relief with international tribunals.
- We connect detainees with local organizations working in the country of detention who might be able to offer local insight and assistance.
- We offer a forum for families to connect with those similarly situated.
For NGO/Think Tank Community
- Pretrial Rights International draws attention to the issue of pretrial detention worldwide and seeks to educate the international community on human rights and basic civil liberties that should be afforded to detainees.
- We advocate for state compliance with pretrial detention rights and support local NGOs in that effort.
- We are rights-focused and hold steady to the principle that all persons have the right to fair treatment and a presumption of innocence under the law.
- We seek to contribute to international dialogue on pretrial detention rights, and ultimately, advocate clear international standards on appropriate treatment and maximum duration of detention in advance of trial.
For Potential American Supporters/Funders
- Americans unjustly deprived of their liberty abroad and their families back home face a complex web of legal uncertainty and no clear advocate or resource to support them.
- Pretrial Rights International seeks to build up the currently weak international attention on the plight of Americans unlawfully detained abroad and assist them and their families in seeking support from the U.S. Government and surveying potential local and international legal options.
- We are the only major organization advocates for the rights of Americans unlawfully detained abroad prior to trial, and the State Department rarely engages proactively with the offending government.
Key Personnel
Passionate Advocates for Human Rights

Kristen M. Jarvis Johnson
Co-Founder and Director
Kristen is an international lawyer who formerly worked for an AmLaw 100 firm, where she advised on human rights and international law matters. Through this work she became aware of the serious worldwide problem of pretrial detention rights abuses and the need for clearer standards.Steve Moore
Board Member
Steve Moore is a 25- year FBI veteran, experienced in complex, multi-national, politically and tactically sensitive investigations, including several cases of Americans unjustly detained abroad.Miriam Ungar
Board Member
Miriam Ungar is a philanthropist who has personal experience supporting Americans facing detention abroad.Praveen Madhiraju
Executive Director
Praveen has more than a decade’s worth of experience administering, managing, and working at prominent advocacy-focused nonprofits and as a human rights attorney has represented three Americans illegally detained and murdered by agents of a foreign government.Link to Us
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